Monday, January 28, 2008
Kevin & Farrish - Engagement Trip
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Camping Buddies
Key West, Here We Come!
Ed and I are planning to pull out in the RV on Tuesday, January 29, for the Florida Keys. We plan to be there approximately a month. Our reservations are at the Sugar Loaf RV Park about 20 miles north of Key West. We were there last year and had a nice WARM time while you guys back in NC had snow. My nephews from California (Robin) and Michigan (Chris) are planning to be in Boca Raton on February 8th for an art show for a few days. We plan to get together during that time for a visit.
This is the beach at the RV park taken last year.
This is a picture of us set up in Sugar Loaf last year.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Virginia Tech
In fact, Lenny-her son who is my age, was my very first boyfriend. I think we were about 5. I went up to their house to play hide-and-seek with Lenny and his sister Ellen. Well, I decided to hide in the chicken coop. Lenny knew this and latched the door so I couldn't get out. Needless to say, he was never again my boyfriend. LOL
To my surprise today, Miss Corrine told me that Lenny teaches at Virginia Tech. His office was two buildings over from where the shootings took place last year. We are all very glad that he was not involved in the shooting incident!
A New Farm Addition for the Haltigans
Kevin and his dad are ticking away at completing our barn--even on the coldest days. Their carpentry skills are quite impressive. We will have lots of room for our farm animals...and their food!
The last picture is of Grandma Chris playing pat-a-cake with her three granddaughters. Our niece, Kadence, is now one, so we probably won't catch her being that still again for quite some time!
Come visit us!
April Haltigan

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Passing of My Aunt, Carrie Matthews, My Mother's Sister
Visitation is Friday night, January 25th, 2008, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at Biggs Funeral Home, Robersonville, NC.
The funeral is Saturday, January 26, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. at Biggs Funeral Home in Robersonville, NC, followed with graveside service at Martin Memorial where she will be laid to rest beside her late husband, Pleasant Matthews.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Kadence Haltigan's First Birthday
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Haltigans Have Twin Sheep
Thought you would like to see a picture....
Thanks for the Support
Jon Hoggard, An Old Friend from Burroughs Wellcome
Click on the article to maximize for reading:
Jon Hoggard, an old friend from Burroughs Wellcome, was in the newspaper yesterday for completing an IT training course. Jon began as an intern from ECU while I worked at BW. Just wanted to share his accomplishment. Some of you who read the blog will recognize him.
Chip Pennington, My Old Boss, at Cypress Glenn
Click on the picture to read the article more clearly.
Just wanted to share this article that was in the recent newspaper. Chip Pennington was my first boss at Burroughs Wellcome!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Trip to Alaska in August 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
My Niece, Carolyn James, Who Lives in Michigan

More Christmas Pictures to Share
The Del Monte Kids
Monday, January 7, 2008
Christmas in Georgia
The second picture was taken at my company Christmas party.
Kim Thorne-Alma's daughter
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Poorman's Flea Market Grill
Click on the title of this post and it will take you to the Poorman's Flea Market website:
Ed has rented the grill at the flea market to a new gentleman, Ken Willoughby, who has a ton of restaurant experience. His opening day was yesterday and it was great! He has daily plate lunches as well as sandwiches. We wish him the best and hope that any of you within "eating" distance will support him whenever you can. He will be open daily from 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. His plan is to get a phone installed this week and he will also have a fax machine, so orders can be phoned or faxed in for quick pick-up!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Kevin & Farrish are Engaged
Kevin surprised Farrish with a diamond on Christmas morning. They are planning an August wedding at the beach.
Christmas Pictures

Ed's niece and her family from Georgia. Alma's daughter, Kim & family

Here are some pictures which were shared with us during the holidays. If you sent me some and they are not posted, I apologize. Please resend them and I will make sure they are posted promptly. During the holidays, with so much going on, I have not posted as regularly as usual.